General Meeting

Agenda & documents


>Speech of Management Board (German language only)

>Presentation of the Annual General Meeting (German language only)

>Voting results (German language only)

>Table 8 of the Implementing Regulation (EU)2018/1212

> Resolution on the approval of the Management Board remuneration system 

> Resolution on the remuneration of the Supervisory Board (German language only)



> Convocation of the Annual General Meeting

> Adopted annual financial statements of KAP AG as of 31 December 2021 (German language only)

> Approved consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2021 including the Management Board's explanatory report on the disclosures pursuant to sections 289a (1) and 315a (1) of the German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch; HGB)

> Separate non-financial group report 2021

> Report by the Supervisory Board of KAP AG

> Proposal for the distribution of retained earnings (German language only)

> Explanation on item 1 of the agenda (German language only)

> Total number of shares and voting rights (German language only)

> Explanations of the shareholders' rights (German language only)

> Proxy authorisation and instructions form (German language only)

> Information pursuant to Section 125 AktG in conjunction of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1212

Document for TOP 6

>Remuneration Report 2021

Documents for TOP 7

> CV Christian Schmitz

> CV Uwe Stahmer

>CV Roy Bachmann

> CV Christoph Schoeller

> CV Viktor Rehart

>CV Dr. Markus Adams

Document for TOP 8

>Remuneration of the Supervisory Board 2022

Document for TOP 9

>Management Board remuneration system 2022

>Management Board remuneration system comparison version


> Articles of Association (German language only)

> Notes on the preparation of a confirmation §129 AktG (German language only)

> Privacy policy (German language only)





> Speech of Management Board (German language only)

> Presentation to the Annual General Meeting (German language only)

> Voting results (German language only)

> Resolution on the approval of the Management Board remuneration system 

> Resolution on the remuneration of the Supervisory Board (German language only)

> Table 8 of the Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1212


Convocation of the Annual General Meeting

> Adopted annual financial statements of KAP AG as of 31 December 2020 (German language only)

> Approved consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 including the Management Board's explanatory report on the disclosures pursuant to sections 289a (1) and 315a (1) of the German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch; HGB)

> Separate non-financial group report

> Report by the Supervisory Board of KAP AG

> New proposal for the distribution of retained earnings (German language only)

> Explanation on item 1 of the agenda (German language only)

> Total number of shares and voting rights (German language only)

> Explanations of the shareholders' rights (German language only)

> Information pursuant to Section 125 AktG in conjunction of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1212

> CV Christoph Schoeller

> CV Viktor Rehart

> Report by the Management Board regarding agenda item 11 (German language only)

> Articles of Association (German language only)

> Notes on the preparation of a confirmation §129 AktG (German language only)

> Privacy policy (German language only)





Documents on file are only in German or in English.

> Speech by Guido Decker and Dr. Alexander Riedel

> Presentation to the AGM

> Voting result

> Dividend notification

> Content of the Convocation

> Explanation of agenda item 1 pursuant to § 124a sentence 1 no. 2 AktG

> Financial Statements and Management Report (HGB, German Commercial Code) 2018

> Consolidated Financial Statements and Group Management Report (IFRS) 2018

> Report of the Supervisroy Board

> Declaration on corporate governance pursuant to Section 289f HGB and Section 3.10 of the German Corporate Governance Code (DCGK)

> Explanatory Report of the Management Board on the Disclosures Pursuant to Sections 289a (1) and 315a (1) of the German Commercial Code (HGB) 

> Total number of shares and voting rights at the time of convocation

> Explanation of shareholders' rights

> Articles of Association

> Privacy policy

Documents to TOP 5

> Curriculum vitae of the candidate proposed for election 

Documents to TOP 10

(i) Control and profit transfer agreements:

a) Between KAP AG and KAP Surface Holding GmbH

b) Between KAP AG and Heiche Logistic GmbH

c) Between KAP AG and Heiche Oberflächentechnik GmbH

(ii)  Annual and consolidated financial statements:

the adopted annual financial statements of KAP AG

as of 31 December 2016,
as of 31 December 2017,
as of 31 December 2018,

and the approved consolidated financial statements as well as the combined management report of the KAP Group 

as of 31 December 2016,
as of 31 December 2017,
as of 31 December 2018,

the adopted financial statements for the financial year 
KAP Surface Holding GmbH 

as of 31 December 2017,
as of 31 December 2018,

the adopted financial statements for the financial year 
Heiche Logistic GmbH 

as of 31 December 2016,
as of 31 December 2017,
as of 31 December 2018,

the adopted financial statements for the financial year 
Heiche Oberflächentechnik GmbH 

as of 31 December 2016,
as of 31 December 2017,
as of 31 December 2018.

(iii)  Joint reports of the Management Board of KAP AG and the management in accordance with § 293a of the German Stock Corporation Act:

a) Joint report of the Management Board of KAP AG and the management of KAP Surface Holding GmbH 

b) Joint report of the Management Board of KAP AG and the management of Heiche Logistic GmbH

c) Joint report of the Executive Board of KAP AG and the management of Heiche Oberflächentechnik GmbH 


At present, there are no motions for additions to the agenda, countermotions or election proposals.